Onewheel Wing


Welcome to the official Onewheel Wing website.

Meet Javier Starks, the Onewheel Wing. Javier is the number one rider in the world with over 28,000+ miles on his Onewheel XR.

Everyday Wing is pushing his own personal limits through his music and youth advocacy work, while also pushing the limits of his Onewheel.

Javier has a special ability to perform new tricks and techniques like no rider has done before. Bringing a sense of style and class to how one can ride a Onewheel.

The source for all Onewheel Wing videos, streams, reviews, tutorials and more


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Upcoming Onewheel Demos and Group Rides

Reach out to learn more about upcoming Demo Days and Groups rides.

Featured Videos


A Quick Rip in Chicago!

How I Got A FREE Onewheel! Onewheel Pint (Pint-sized) Review

Aye+ Winter Special! (Riding my OneWheel XR in snow + wet weather!)


Aye+ S1 Episode 7: Chicago Tour pt1

"How To Climb" on your OneWheel!

Aye+ S1 Episode 5